Wednesday 13 April 2016

Wednesday, April 13th

Assalamu alaikum, Wednesdays are wonderful!  I wish all days were like Wednesdays.  We started off the day with some educational centres.  Masha'Allah the students really have a chance to shine and be creative during this elongated centre time.  We were working on shapes, colours, letters, reading, and art during this centre time.

Ahmed mixing different coloured transparent circle fractions to make new colours.

Zineb is seen here teaching Qods how to twist two rubber bands together to make cool patterns on the peg boards.

Ahmed, working hard on writing and typing out all of his list 1 words.

We did a quick calendar and practiced some of our sight words.  Students came up with unique sentences with each sight word.

In Arabic class teacher Salam introduced the letter qaaf - ق  through the use of a fun qerd (monkey).  Students then brainstormed for words that begin with this letter, mashallah it was great hearing the children come up with so many words!

In Gym class we did our usual warm ups followed by a game of ant tag.  While we were playing, teacher Charmaine took the children group by group to the library to sign out some books.

Thank you to those of you that are working very hard with your children on the Take-Me-Home Reading Program Book Packages.  The children are coming to school very excited about their reading abilities and progress, keep up the good work.  ****Please remember that the reading program booklets need to be returned by Tuesday every week. ****

In the afternoon we worked on the TRAPEZOID shape, and the class did a fabulous job brainstorming places where we can spot trapezoids in real life.  Lateen said "on the bottom part of a dress", Ali said "it can be a bridge" and others came up some other very cool observations.

We ended the day with a trip to the computer lab.

Have a great evening everyone :)

Safiah Aghliw
SK2 Teacher

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