Friday 27 February 2015


Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum
Due to unforeseen circumstances, your child's Read With Me Reading Kit will be sent home on Monday, March 2, 2015. For more information on this program, please visit Upcoming Events.
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me either by email or telephone.
Have a wonderful day, inshaAllah.
Nancy-Ann Brethour
School Librarian
Abraar School: Islamic Education for the Next Generation.
Abraar School Library: Where Knowledge and Imagination Grow, One Student at a Time.
Secondary Campus: 1085 Grenon Avenue, Ottawa, ON K2B 8L7 | ph.613-820-0044 | fx.613-820-1495
Elementary Campus: 70 Fieldrow Street, Ottawa, ON K2G 2Y7 | ph.613-226-1396 ext.: 107  | fx. 613-226-2745
Find us on: Facebook | Twitter
Support Abraar by Donating Online: Donate Now (all donations are tax deductible)

Thursday 26 February 2015

SK2 Happenings

Assalamu Alaikum!

In math we learned the meaning of the word capacity.  Capacity is defined as: the maximum amount that something can hold.  We experimented with goldfish crackers and small containers to see how many crackers we can fit in each container.  We also practiced the numbers 13, and 14 in our number booklets.

In language we learned what sounds the letters -ee and -or make, through the story of a donkey that got spooked by some dogs.

In gym we played a game called The Circle of Life.  This game involves 4 people that are "it", and they have to touch their classmates.  If their classmates get touched, then they have to step inside a hula hoop, and recite the following before getting out: ABC's, count 1-25, surat annas, alfalaq, and alikhlas, and twinkle twinkle little star (each round had a different theme).  The kids had lots of fun, while reviewing some of their knowledge.

We had a lot of fun climbing the huge snow piles during outdoor play today! The weather was a bit milder than the past few days alhamdulillah.

Our reading buddies came to our class today and together we read some stories, followed by some fun games.
In Islamic Studies, we learned our 7th, and 8th, sunnas today: they are praying for someone, and help with the chores around the house.

Our classroom pet Sheepy has been visiting many of our friends over the past few weeks, I'm glad to see he's getting pampered with washes, and adorned with jewelry.   Jazakum Allahu Khairan for playing along :)


- Please send in some tissue boxes, as we are running low once again.

Safiah Aghliw
SK2 Teacher

French Update

Asslam alikum Dear Parents, I hope my email finds you in good health and Eman.

Below are some updates from our French class.

·   We are still working in - activités du préscolaire -  We covered more letters (  H- I- J- K-L M).  
·   We learned the sound  of these letters.
·  In addition we are learning new words :   Hibou – Igloo- jupe-  kiwi- lion  . Maison
·  We read the following stories: Caillou se fait mal -   chef cuisinier -  ( developing comprehension of a story )
·  Les contraires – jeu de cartes -
·  Gesture teaching and review (  la – classe- commence – maintenant – ouvre – la tête – écoute – reste – vient – chante – au revoir- fait un cercle -  je sais .
·  Play rehearsal with the Big Book and gesture. 
·    We learned numbers 10 to 15 using - J'apprends à compter de 1- 20.
·  Song ( il y a 7 jours , lundi le pemier , mardi vient après , mercredi et jeudi, après c’est vendredi, la fin de semaine ,c’est le samedi  et dimanche)
·  We started a new story : Le petit chat cherche une famille, we introduced chracters.
·  Introducing a few language forms used in a telephone conversation. Dialogue: Ali téléphone à un ami..
Jazakoum Allah khairan

Tuesday 24 February 2015


Assalamu alaikum.

Alhamdulillah today we had some fun while learning.  We worked on clapping out syllables, and sounding out words.  We did a fun exercise with hula hoops, and words.  The children each got a sound, and they jumped inside the hula hoops while making the sound they were given to form three-letter words.  We also jumped from hula hoop to hula hoop according to the syllables in our names.

In math we worked on our new numbers booklet, the main aim of this booklet is to reinforce the right way of writing numbers (not mirror image), and to help with counting and one-to-one correspondence.  We will be working on our last unit in measurement (capacity), tomorrow insha'Allah.

We are happy to be part of the I LOVE THE SUNNA campaign, we are practicing the following sunnas:

1- Saying "assalamu alaikum" when greeting others.
2- Saying bismillah.
3- Wearing shoes starting from the right.
4- Drinking water in three sips.
5- Smiling at others :)

We are reading Charlotte's Web as a class, and the kids are using their imaginations to visualize the images while being read to.  

In gym class we had lots of fun taking part in different obstacle course races mashallah.  The kids are learning how to follow instructions, and they have learned many different yoga and strength-training positions masha'Allah.

I want to sincerely thank all of you that took the time to come and be part of your child's learning journey during Student Led Conferencing, that truly meant a great deal to us and to the students.

Looking forward to a great week insha'Allah.

Safiah Aghliw

SK2 Teacher

Thursday 12 February 2015

Quraan Update

Please read the following update from teacher Hoda:

Students in SK 1&2 finished memorizing and practicing tajweed rules for Surat " Al Feel" " Qoriash" and " Al Assr" as well as reveiwing all the surahs included in the Quran Competition, now they are memorizing Surat "Al Homaazzaah".


Assalamu alaikum! 

This week we worked around the central theme of "100 Days".  We practiced counting to 100 in 1's, 2's, 5's, and 10's.  We also practiced singing our "BIG NUMBERS" song, ask your child to sing it to you, you'll be amazed!

We all celebrated our accomplishment of 100 days in SK.  We are now officially 100 days smarter, 100 days stronger, 100 days bigger.  We said alhamdulillah 100 times to thank Allah swt for giving us the chance to experience 100 days.

We estimated where 100 steps would take us.  Some of the children said "100 steps will take us to Saudi Arabia", or "outside of the school", one of them said "to grade four".  We discovered that 100 steps takes us right in front of the grade 1 class!

In gym class we played some games with our very colourful balloons, thank you so much for sending them in! 

In French, and Arabic we learned how to say 100 in both languages alhamdulillah :)

We had so much fun looking for the 100 Hershey Kisses in the classroom!  Thank you so much for sending in our treasures.

We painted 100 hand prints, stacked 100 cups, made fruit loop necklaces with 100 fruit loops, stamped 100 patterns onto a 100-chart, and completed 100 day posters.

Lastly I would like to say a big Jazakum Allahu Khairan for all of your support, and for helping us make this a memorable day for your children.  We couldn't have done it without you!!!!

Looking forward to many more days of fun and learning insha'Allah.

Safiah Aghliw
SK2 Teacher

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Read With Me Program

Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum

The annual Read With Me program is just around the corner!

​ ​
 For more information, please visit Upcoming Events on the school library website. ​

Have a wonderful day, inshaAllah.


Nancy-Ann Brethour
School Librarian
Abraar School: Islamic Education for the Next Generation.
Abraar School Library: Where Knowledge and Imagination Grow, One Student at a Time.
Secondary Campus: 1085 Grenon Avenue, Ottawa, ON K2B 8L7 | ph.613-820-0044 | fx.613-820-1495
Elementary Campus: 70 Fieldrow Street, Ottawa, ON K2G 2Y7 | ph.613-226-1396 ext.: 107  | fx. 613-226-2745
Find us on: Facebook | Twitter
Support Abraar by Donating Online: Donate Now (all donations are tax deductible)

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Wacky Wednesday

Assalamu alaikum!

Over the past couple of days we have been busy working on our dioramas.  The students covered, painted, and worked really hard to create an animal habitat of their choice masha'Allah! The results will be presented to you on the day of Student Led Conferencing insha'Allah.  I won't post any pictures and we will keep it a surprise until then.

We worked on the sound that the two letters -oa make.  Examples: boat, coat, float, goat.  The general rule with these vowels is: "when two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking!".  

We are also practicing our ten new sight words:


In Islamic Studies our theme for this month is honesty.  Insha'Allah we will be role-playing different scenarios to further help understand this character trait.

In mathematics we are still working on the terminology related to different measurement topics.  If we're measuring how tall we are this is called height, if we are measuring how much we weigh, this is called weight, etc.

In science we are completing our unit on living & non-living, and will be starting our new unit on the food groups insha'Allah.  (if you have material at home related to this subject matter, please do send it in for us to borrow).

During gym class we will be working on different skills such as throwing, catching, bouncing, and balancing on one foot.

We will be changing the topic for next week from "favourite book" to "collection of 100 items" because next Thursday will be our 100th day of school insha'Allah!!!!!

1- Thursday, February 12th is the 100th day of school.  This will be a day full of 100th day activities followed by a 100-day celebration!

2- Friday, February 13th is a PD Day.

3- Monday, February 16th is Family Day.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan,

Safiah Aghliw
SK2 Teacher