As-salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuhu
Dear Parents,
Here are our classroom updates:
Language Arts

Reading: We re-read the book “Time to Sleep” and
talked about places where different animals hibernate. Then, we made a T-chart as
a class and took turns discussing about the animals who hibernate and animals
who don’t. On Friday, we role-played the “Time to Sleep” book. Students played
the role of animals in the book and pretended to hibernate. It was a very
enjoyable activity so we decided to perform the play again next week, Insha-Allah.
Writing: We wrote a writing response for the question: If I was an animal, where would I want to hibernate in winter? Great work! SK2.
Oral Communication: One of the
expectations for students in oral communication is to present their show &
tell using proper presentation skills (tone, volume & eye contact). In Sk2,
we have already started our Allah’s Creation-Living things diorama show and
tell presentations. Students are doing a great job showing and presenting the
habitat of their living things, Masha-Allah.
Literacy Tips:
for 20 minutes with your child everyday.
finding two letter and three letter words with your child while reading at
to and reading bears to enhance your child’s
reading skills.
Math tips:
- Use play dough to roll out two
‘snakes' of different lengths. Talk about one snake being ‘shorter' and
the other ‘longer.'
- Play board games like Chutes
& Ladders, Sorry!, Dominoes, etc. as they promote the development of
counting skills, understandings of patterns, and numeral recognition.
In Science, we reviewed our winter theme and then
made a craft of a bear hibernating in a cave.
In Visual Arts, we are working on
our snow globe using q-tip painting.
Islamic Studies
We read a
story on Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). We also read a story ”Hamza Learns Wudu” on
Wudu (Ablution) and reviewed the steps of wudu
by singing a wudu poem called “This is the way we make wudu.”
International day;
Thanks for sending the yummy food
from your country of origin. We had a great time eating and socializing with
our friends, Alhumdulilah!
Jazakumullahu-khaira for your
co-operation and support!