As-salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuhu
Dear Parents, Welcome
We started the first
week of January in full swing after a restful winter break! Alhumdulilah.Students were very
enthusiastic and geared up to participate in exciting and fun learning activities
in our SK2 classroom.
Here are some updates from our class:
Here are some updates from our class:

In reading, we started our week by reading a book “One Winter’s day”. it is a lovely story about being kind to others and how kindness rarely goes unnoticed.
In shared reading, we
read two poems about our two word families(My Cat, The Can Man). Sk2 have been learning how to orally retell simple
events and simple stories in proper sequence. This time, we chose a book “The
Mitten” by Jan Brett. After listening to the story, the students made props for
it and practiced the re-telling of the story in proper sequence with their
props. They did an excellent job by retelling the story to their reading
buddies on Thursday, Mashallah. Way to go SK2!
Literacy Tips:
Literacy Tips:
Read for 20 minutes with your child everyday.
Practice finding two letter and three letter words with your child
while reading at home.
Math: We reviewed numbers 1-10 by practicing to write number words, tallies and ten frames. Please see the wonderful work by Sk2.
Math: We reviewed numbers 1-10 by practicing to write number words, tallies and ten frames. Please see the wonderful work by Sk2.
Math tips:
Have your child skip count by 10’s out loud.
Play board games like Chutes & Ladders, Sorry!, Dominoes, etc.
as they promote the development of counting skills, understandings of patterns,
and numeral recognition.
Science: In Science, we started a new unit on “Winter.” We
read a non-fiction book and brainstormed all about winter. We also read another
book “The Snowy Day “ and wrote about our favourite winter activity.
Visual Arts: In Visual Arts, we integrated language arts and science by
participating in a snow glyph activity and made a snowman.
Islamic Studies: Sk2 started
learning a new nasheed in the month of Rabi-ul-awal.
Here is the link for the video:
Next week, we will
start to learn about wudu, InshaAllah.
Jazakumullahu-khaira for your co-operation
and support!