As-salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuhu
Dear Parents,
Here are some updates from the short
Language Arts:
Phonics: In phonics, we have
finished Jolly Phonics book 5, Alhumdulilah. This week, we did lots of review
activities to practice sight words and long/short vowels. We played musical
chairs with sight words, bingo with long vowel sounds, and also practiced writing sight words through word work and interactive
writing. Sk2 are doing a wonderful job becoming great readers, Masha-Allah.

We also started our "Reading Program" last Wednesday, Alhamdo-lillah.
Writing: We made another class book with the
title: “At School”. Here is a sneak peak of the book J
- Read for 20 minutes with your child everyday.
- Practice finding words with long vowels (ai, ay, oa, ie, ee, ea ) with your child while reading at home.
- Go to and to enhance your child’s reading skills.

Next week,
we will be learning about 3-D shapes, Insha-Allah. There will also be project in
the coming weeks in which the students are required to build a 3-D mosque. Stay
tuned for detailed information about the project in the upcoming weeks.
Math tips:
- Use Popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, tooth picks, and a string of yarn to make and explore different shapes at home. Talk about what the shapes look like, how many sides and corners/vertices they have, and where we might see them in the real world.
- Play board games like Chutes & Ladders, Sorry!, Dominoes, etc. as they promote the development of counting skills, understandings of patterns, and numeral recognition.
We reviewed
the five senses by watching an educational video one more time. Then, we made
one more step towards our labeling skills by labeling the five senses on a
person’s picture. Then, we coloured and labeled the picture of the person. On
Friday, Sk2 had a blast when we labeled the five senses on our special helper
of the day by using sticky-notes. Also, they had a great time doing the
blindfold tasting food activity.
Islamic Studies:
We made a board game called “My
Salah Journey” to learn about the five daily prayers in a fun and interactive
way. Please play the board game with your child or ask an older sibling to play
with them.
In gym, we have been practicing
soccer and other cooperative games on a weekly basis. Students also made
different shapes with their postures to practice 2-D shapes.
Student of the month:
mentioned in the email earlier, we started the student of the month award,
which will be awarded at the end of each month. This award will be based on
learning skills or work habits in the classroom.
theme for the month of February was “Responsibility
and Organization”
theme for the month of March is “Independent
work and Collaboration”
theme for the month of April will be “Initiative
and Self Regulation”
Jazakumullahu-khaira for your
co-operation and support!