Sunday 27 October 2013

Message from Tr.Nancy - Abraar School Librarian

Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum

The first Scholastic Book Fair of the school year is coming to our school this week! What better way to promote reading to our students than by supporting this important literary event! A book fair flyer will be sent home with your child on Monday, October 28, 2013. For more information on this exciting event, please go to


Nancy-Ann Brethour,
Abraar School Librarian

SK2 Updates!

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuhu

Dear Parents,

Alhamdo-lillah, we had a fun filled field trip to "Cosmic Adventures". Everyone had a great time playing and socializing with other grades.

Language Arts: We covered two more letter sounds "P" and "N" according to Jolly Phonics. Please ask your children about it and watch as they make the sound and action. I encourage all parents to go to this website and please practice with your child the letters we learned so far. It's a great website to practice phonics!

Math: We did "one to one correspondence" in counting objects and matching group of objects.  Also, we did Math centers that cover lessons learned in Number sense and Numeration thus far. Students had a great time rotating between different centers and doing hands-on Math activities.

Science: We finished the "Fall Unit" in our science class by making a stained glass leaf craft. We made beautiful stained glass leaves using different colours of tissue paper. It was amazing to see all the creative colours chosen by the students to make their fall leaf craft.

Visual Arts: We did painting with marbles using the three primary colours. Students had a blast with the end result. They created their own designs by titling and shaking the marbles.

Islamic Studies: We started reviewing and memorizing the dua before entering and leaving the washroom.

Important Reminders:
  •  Please send back the Homework every Wednesday in your child's folder.
  •  Blankets are sent home to be washed every 3 weeks. We usually send the blankets home on a Friday so please don’t forget to send the washed blanket back to school the following Monday. 

Qura'n: Message from Tr. Sahar

Assalam alikum
Dear parents,
We had practiced and reviewed the following:
Surat Al-Kafiroon (Ayah 1-3)

Tr. Sahar

Sunday 20 October 2013

SK2 Updates!

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuhu

Dear Parents,

Here are some updates from last week and some amazing crafts from SK2 during Hajj days! Masha-Allah.


Language Arts: Due to shorter week, we only covered sounding out and printing letter "I". Please ask your children about it and watch as they make the sound and the action. I encourage all parents to go to this website and please practice with your child the letters we learned so far. It's a great website to practice phonics!

Math: We learned how to put the number in order, what comes before and after. We've been learning how to count backwards from 20 to 0. We also read a book "Ten Apples Up On Top!" by Dr. Seuss. The students really enjoyed the book. The characters are balancing ten apples on their heads in the book, so we thought we should give it a try, too!

Visual Arts: We did the craft related to the book we read in Mathematics.

Islamic Studies: We had an Eid Party and students made Eid cards for their parents. We had lots of fun in the party. Jazak-Allahu-khairen for all the parents for sending the snacks and treats for the party.

Reading Buddies: As part of the Literacy program at Abraar School, we started our reading buddies program last Thursday. Tr. Saher's grade 4 students visited young readers in our classroom. They will be reading to their assigned buddies every second Thursday, insha-Allah. The SK2 students really enjoyed the activity, and are looking forward for the next session.

Tr. Hina

Monday 14 October 2013

SK2 Weekly Updates!

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuhu

Dear Parents,

Here are some updates from last week:

Language Arts: We covered sounding out and printing letters "S" "A" and "T" in "Jolly Phonics." We reviewed and practiced those letter sounds everyday. I encourage all parents to go to this website and please practice with your child the letters we learned so far. It's a great website to practice phonics!

Math: We reviewed, practiced, traced and printed numbers "9" & "10".

Islamic Studies: We learned about "Hajj" by making different crafts and we decorated a beautiful Bulletin board display in our classroom. What an amazing work by all the young muslims in SK2! We also attended the Hajj workshop and students had lots of learning and participated in fun activities.

Homework News 
No homework for this week, enjoy your Eid Holidays.

Reading Buddies: As part of the Literacy program at Abraar School, we started our reading buddies program last Thursday. Tr. Saher's grade 4 students visited young readers in our classroom. They will be reading to their assigned buddies every second Thursday, insha-Allah. The SK2 students really enjoyed the activity, and are looking forward for the next session.

Sr. Madline is a well known volunteer at Abraar School and Salim's mother in SK2. This year, Sr. Madline will be contributing to Early Literacy Reading Program with us insha-Allah. She already started reading in groups to help children as an independent readers. A big thanks and Jazak-Allahu-khairun for her commitment and time. May Allah reward her for her efforts.

Enjoy your break and Eid Mubarak everyone!

Tr. Hina

Message from Tr. Sahar


We had practiced and reviewed Surah Al-Fil in SK2.

Tr. Sahar

Message from Tr. Sahar


We had practiced and reviewed Surah Al-Kawther in SK2.

Tr. Sahar

Saturday 5 October 2013

SK2 Weekly Updates!

As-salamu-alaikum wa Rahmatullah,

We had finished a very busy learning week in SK2 Alhamdulillah. Here are some updates from last week:

Language Arts: First, we completed the review of all alphabets, Alhamdo-lillah. Then, we started our Jolly Phonics workbook 1 for practicing the alphabets. We learned how to sound out the letter "S" and we also started letter "A" sound. We will cover 2 letters every week and will practice sight words.

Math: We reviewed, practiced, traced and printed numbers "7" & "8".

Science: We introduced our Fall unit by reading a book "Mouse's First Fall" and discussed about the things that happen in Fall and what we do in Fall. We will be doing lots of other activities in our Fall unit.

Islamic Studies: We learned about the fifth pillar of Islam "Hajj" and did lots of different activities which will go on the bulletin board for display. Students had lots of fun learning and doing Hajj activities,

Visual Arts: We did Hajj related crafts, such as painting the 3D model of  the Kabah, Hajj Passports, Hajji's, Jamarat Stone Count and will be doing a few more early next week.

Homework News 
Yes, we do have homework in Senior Kindergarten at Abraar! We believe that parents are our partners in education and extra support and practice at home is very important to a child's success.

1. A homework folder that goes home Friday after school is to be returned on Wednesday. Friday homework will include worksheets that reinforce concepts and ideas learned throughout the week. Homework will range from math, hand writing practice, reading, writing etc.

2. After Eid, Insha-Allah, students will be given a reading folder every Monday to be returned Friday.

Jazakumullahu khaira for your support and co-operation!

Quran Competition - Tr. Samia

Abraar 5th Annual Quran Competition
Assalaamu Alaykum                                                                                                        Sep 30th 2013
Dear Parents/Guardians
·        It is with great pleasure to inform you of our 5th annual Quran Competition. The first round will be held in December 2013 Inshallah. (The final round will be in January 2014).
·        The Competition is optional and is open to all Abraar students. It will be divided into the following Grade- Surah groups:

Al Fateha, Annass, Al Falaq,and Al Ikhlas. (4Suras)
Al Fateha, Annass, Al Falaq, Al Ikhlas, Al Masad, Annasr, Al Kawther, Al Asr,  Al Feel and Quraish. (10 Suras)
Al Asr, Al Feel, Quraish, Al Kaferoon, Al Maoon, Al Homaza, Attakathor, Al Qareah, Al Adiat and Al Qadr. (10 Suras)
Al Zalzala, Atteen, Al Qadr, Al Alaq, Ashareh, Adduha, Allail, Ashams, Al Balad and Al Fajr. (10 Suras)
Al Gashia, Al Alla, Al Bayyana, Attariq, Al Borooj,AlInshiqaaq , and Al Mutafifeen . (7Suras)
Al Mutafifeen, Al Infitar, Atakweer, Abasa, Annaziaat, Annaba Al Mursalat, and Al Insan. (8 Suras)
 Al Insan, Al Qiama, Al Mudather, Al Mozzamel , Al Jinn and Nooh (6 Suras)
 Al Jinn, Nooh, Al Maarej, Al Haaqa Al Qalam and Al Mulk  . (6 Suras)
Al Qalam, Al Mulk, Attahreem, Attalaq, Al Monafiqoon and Attagabon. (6 Suras)
Al Hasher, Al Momtahena, Assaf, Al Jumoaah, Al Monafiqoon and Al Tagaboon. (6 Suras)
Surat Almujadalah and Surat Yaseen.
·        Registration: All entries must be registered with your Quran teacher and must be received by November 30th , 2013. (No registrations will be accepted past this date).
·        Judging Criteria: Students will be judged based on memorization, rules of recitation (Tajweed), voice quality, and voice clarity.
·        Prizes: First and Second places in each age group will receive valuable prizes Inshallah.
·        More details and information will follow and for any questions please contact Tr. Samia on Abraar’s phone or at
Wassalamu Allikum
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Abraar School Fifth Annual Quran Competition 2013/2014 – Registration Slip
Name:  ………………………………….…………………                                                   Grade: ………….

Parent’s Signature:        …………………………………………..

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Arabic - Teacher Salam


Last month we studied the letters ( أ  ب ) ,the name ofharakat (fatahkasra , and dama) and how to read the letters studied with them; this has been accomplished though a number of activities, such as songs, games, stories and competitions. The children have found theseactivities to be exciting and fun.
Tr.Salam Beseiso