Dear Parents,
Here are some updates from last week and some amazing crafts from SK2 during Hajj days! Masha-Allah.
Language Arts: Due to shorter week, we only covered sounding out and printing letter "I". Please ask your children about it and watch as they make the sound and the action. I encourage all parents to go to this website and please practice with your child the letters we learned so far. It's a great website to practice phonics!
Math: We learned how to put the number in order, what comes before and after. We've been learning how to count backwards from 20 to 0. We also read a book "Ten Apples Up On Top!" by Dr. Seuss. The students really enjoyed the book. The characters are balancing ten apples on their heads in the book, so we thought we should give it a try, too!
Reading Buddies: As part of the Literacy program at Abraar School, we started our reading buddies program last Thursday. Tr. Saher's grade 4 students visited young readers in our classroom. They will be reading to their assigned buddies every second Thursday, insha-Allah. The SK2 students really enjoyed the activity, and are looking forward for the next session.
Tr. Hina