As-salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuhu
Dear Parents,
Here are some updates before March break:
Language Arts:
Writing: We
made a class book on a prompt: “If I had hundred dollars I would buy…”
Literacy Tips:
- Read for 20 minutes with your child everyday.
- Practice finding words with long vowels (ai, ay, oa, ie, ee, ea ) with your child while reading at home.
- Go to and to enhance your child’s reading skills.

Math tips:
- Bake brownies or cake and cut pieces in a square or rectangular pan. Then, count the pieces to see how many pieces will cover the space/area inside the baking dish.
- Ask your child questions to encourage comparison, estimation and thinking about measurement. For example: Which glass has more water/Which has less/How many glasses of water will take to fill the container?
- Play board games like Chutes & Ladders, Sorry!, Dominoes, etc. as they promote the development of counting skills, understandings of patterns, and numeral recognition.

Islamic Studies
We are learning a nasheed about
Salah (prayer). Please check the link:
100 days of School
Jazakumullahu-khaira for your
co-operation and support!