Monday 12 January 2015

Mighty Monday

Assalamu alaikum everyone!

Alhamdulillah we had a very busy day today filled with fun and excitement.  We are still missing a few of our classroom friends, and can't wait for them to return to our classroom insha'allah.

We started off our day with some educational/fun centres.  The kids had the chance to choose to participate in the following centres:  playdough, writing/drawing, whiteboards, blocks, and math (roll and record using dice).  

After centres we did our morning routine: quraan, du'aa, morning message, and calendar.  We did a mini-language lesson on syllables, and we also talked about the importance of vowels! (the glue to forming words).

We read the story of Knuffle Bunny Too, by Mo Willems. The kids then had fun clapping out some of the syllables in the story.

Teacher Hoda started a new sura with the class, they are now working on surat Quraish.  

In math we worked on the numbers 5, and 6.  We learned how to record them using tally marks and letters.

In Arabic the students are learning a beautiful nasheed about prophet Mohammed PBUH.

We had lots of fun outside playing in the snow!!! Some of the children had to borrow snow pants from the class supply.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure your child comes to school prepared to go outside!!!!

In the afternoon we had a fun French class with Monsieur Said where we learned the letter Hh and some vocabulary associated with this letter.

Looking forward to a fun and exciting day tomorrow insha'Allah.

*** Our facial tissues (kleenex), and snack bank supplies are reaching an all-time low, please help us by sending in a tissue box, and a nourishing snack with your child.

Jazakum Allahu Khairan,

Safiah Aghliw

SK2 Teacher

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