Wednesday 19 November 2014

Short but productive week :)

Assalamu alaikum everyone!

We had a very short but productive week this week alhamdulillah.

Today the children had the wonderful opportunity to watch a delightful puppet show that talked about having compassion for each other.  The wonderful characters and puppeteers made it fun and easy to learn.  Thank you to teachers Fatima, and Seher for organizing this masha'Allah. Unfortunately the time of the puppet show overlapped the time of our library class and so we had to miss library for this week.

In language we took the letters Hh, and Rr.  We learned the sound, and the action that each of these letters make.  We are constantly reviewing the letters that we learned this far, and the students are sounding out small words masha'Allah!!! Today in writing class, the children got to write about their favourite thing to do in the snow.  

In math we are learning to count by 2's, 5's, 10's, and 1's.  The children are practicing this on a daily basis as well as patterning and comparing numbers or number stories.  

In art the students practiced cutting, pasting, and painting wintery scenes.  The outcome of these beautiful masterpieces is hanging in the hallway outside of our classroom.

In Islamic Studies we are talking and role playing the concept of respect.  The students talked about different ways they show respect to their parents at home.  Masha'Allah we have memorized the November du'aa, ask your child to recite the du'aas they have learned so far.

In Gym class the students practiced doing some somersaults, as well as doing some yoga type exercises.  We also learned a new game called "PAC-MAN", ask your child to tell you all about it.

The students did an amazing job presenting their show & tell this week.  We have acquired a little "stage", and the children get to stand on it while presenting.  This seems to be making a little bit of a difference with some of the shyer students.  Thank you so much to all of you that are keeping up with our schedule and sending in items that go along with our designated theme.


-November 24th is Photo Day.  Please make sure your child comes to school ready for a photo on this day :)   
- Show & Tell: Something Round


*** Tomorrow dismissal is at 12:00 PM this is to accomodate for the parent teacher interviews that will take place from 4 to 8.  Please make sure you are on time for your interview, I will be using my classroom timer in order to stick to the schedule :)

**** Friday is a PD day, I hope you enjoy the 3-day weekend with your children.

***** It is really important that your child has proper winter gear with them every day.  This includes water-proof gloves or mitts, hat, neck warmer, snowpants, and winter boots.

Thank you to all of you that sent in snacks for our snack bank.  Jazakum Allahu Khairan :)

Safiah Aghliw
SK2 Teacher

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