Tuesday 30 September 2014

Preparing for Eid and learning about Hajj

Assalamu Alaikum everyone,

As you walk into our school you can probably hear the beautiful sound of takbeer echoing in our hallways.  For the past 5 days we have been filling our idle time with takbeer and tahmeed.

I would like to start off this post by thanking our dear friend Sarah L-B. and her family for a wonderful hajj presentation, may Allah swt reward your efforts.  Sarah brought in a detailed poster that includes the different steps of hajj, some zamzam water for the children to share, and a beautiful replica of the ka'ba.  
Replica of Ka'ba made by Sarah's family

We had a very successful Red Day today, the students brought in a mountain of non-perishable food items mashallah.  Students learned how to spell the word r-e-d, and got to present their red show and tell item.  Thank you to all of you that sent in food donations for the Sadaqa Food Bank, and a big THANK YOU to our wonderful teacher Heba Reyad for arranging for this event.

Mountain of food donated by the Abraar School Elementary School for the Sadaqa Food Bank

Jazakum Allahu Khairan,

Safiah Aghliw
SK Teacher
Abraar School

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