Friday 23 May 2014

Message from Tr. Said (French Teacher)

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents,

 I hope my email finds you in good health. I would like to give you some updates on the French material covered so far.
1-  Reviewing the pronunciation and writing of (A Auto, B Baleine, C Chien, D Diamant, E Éléphant, F  Fromage, G Guitare, H Héron, I Igloo, J Jus, K Kiwi, L Lion, M Miel, N Nid) .

2-  We did ( O Orange - P Papa - Q Quai - R Roi - S Soeur )
3-  Learning numbers 1 to 20 and introducing ( grand - petit )

4-  Introducing the vocabulary on the theme of friendship:

je joue avec mes amis
je partage avec mes amis
j'apprends avec mes amis
j'aime beacoup mes amis.
5-  reviewing a few names of colours / developing oral expression.

6- we learned how to read the time on a clock.

7- Guided reading.

Jazakoum Allah khairan.