Below are some updates from our classroom.
November Dua'a:
In line with this month's character trait, this month's duaa of the month is
اللَّهُمَّ آتِ نَفْسِي تَقْوَاهَا وَزَكِّهَا أَنْتَ خَيْرُ مَنْ زَكَّاهَا
Allāhumma aati nafsi taqwāha, wa zakkiha anta khairu men zakkāha
“O Allah give my self its piety, and purify it, for you are the best purifier”
Reference: Sahih Muslim 2722
In-book reference: 48, Hadith 99
SK2 memorized the dua'a. Mash'Allah way to go SK2.👍
In addition, SK2 students along with the SK1 participated in the monthly character assembly about cleanliness. They did a great job reciting two dua'as about purifying the heart to the whole school. 👏
Arabic Language: اللغة العربية

Lesson Title: The letters د & ذ fatha, kasra, dama). We read two stories about the above letters from our big book قصص الحروف
How to write the letter د & ذ at the beginning, middle and End.
The students worked on the Arabic letters in the classroom.
Reading: Read the letter د & ذ with short vowels (fatha, kasra, and dama)
Writing: Practice writing the letter د & ذ in the Arabic workbook.
How to write the د & ذ at the beginning- middle- and end of words.
How to write the د & ذ at the beginning- middle- and end of words.
Orally: Ask the kids what is your name? and how are you? in Arabic. Know the difference between asking a boy or a girl ( feminine and masculine ) كيف حالك ؟ ما اسمـك؟ The kids have to answer in complete sentences.
how many days in a week? كم يوم في الاسبوع ؟
What day is today? ما اليوم ؟
Show & Tell:
SK2 are doing a wonderful job in their show & tell. Insha’Allah we will continue this activity until the end of the year. The Show & Tell is a part of our week that we all look forward to. Children got to share anything they like to talk about. The main thing I am looking for is to encourage the children to talk in Arabic. They can share their favorite shirts, books, and toys with the class through the means of an oral presentation. Please remember to post your child’s Show & Tell on the fridge to remind him/her of the day they suppose to do their turn.
Below are some questions that the students usually use for show and tell:
؟ ما لونها
؟ من اين اشتريتها
هل هى هدية ؟
؟ لماذا احضرتها معك
اين تضعها في المنزل؟
؟ هل هي حية ام غير حية
؟هل هى ناعمة ام خشنة الملمس
؟ هل هى صلبة - سائلة ام غازية
؟ كيف تعمل
؟ هل تطفو ام تغوص
؟كيف صنعتها\صنعتيها
؟ هل هي كبيرة ام صغيرة ام متوسطة الحجم
؟ هل هي سريعة ام بطيئة
من اي مادة مصنوعة ؟
من اي مادة مصنوعة ؟
We took number eight and nine.
We discussed how germs are so small we cannot see them. I used glitter to represent germs. I placed some on my hand and I shook the student's hands to represent how germs can easily spread from one hand to another. Therefore the students learned that proper hand cleaning is very important to protect us from germs. In addition,we are still discussing this theme and learning how to take care of our personal hygiene and the environment.
Guided Reading:
I am working on teaching the SK2 students how to read and write simple words/sentences. We will allow the students to model the teacher by reading simple words/sentences inshaAllah. Below are some of the readings we are doing in class.
Stories we read in class:
Islamic studies:
We integrated the cleanliness theme with learning about wudu.الوضوء
We had a discussion about how do Muslims stay clean?
What is Wudu?
When do we make Wudu?
Sang a song," this is the way we make Wudu". Please ask you child about it.
We also discussed cleanliness is part of one’s Iman.
We had hands on learning by doing wudu. Each student had the chance to do wudu on Friday.
In addition, We learned about the story of prophet Nuh (as) and the ark. Please ask your child to retell what they learned at school. We integrated this story with art and the SK2 students made beautiful pieces of art. Please check out our bulletin boards. MashaAllah SK2
Stars of the Week:
The stars of the week will be selected every Friday insha'Allah based on overall behavior throughout the week, homework completion, participation, and acts of kindness.
Dates To Remember
November 30th: Spirit Day
December 6th: Scientists in school workshop (Winter Wonders)
December 22nd: SK Toy Sale. Please send your donated toys to class before this date. Thank you
December 26th: Winter Break start. Schools will re-open on January 9th 2016