Below are some updates from our classroom.
One of the first things we encourage our students to do in our classroom is to write their names on their work (i.e. drawings, writing, paintings, etc.). We teach them that their names are important and meaningful so that each student feels a sense of belonging.
In the new Ontario Kindergarten Program 2016, one of the four frames focuses on Belonging and Contributing. We believe that making a child understand his/her sense of self begins with them identifying and being able to write his/her name and knowing how special and unique they are.
Belonging and Contributing
This frame encompasses children's learning and development with respect to:
- their sense of connectedness to others;
- their relationships to others, and their contributions as part of a group, a community, and the natural world;
- their understanding of relationships and community, and of the ways in which people contribute to the world around them.
The learning encompassed in this frame also relates to the child's early development of the attributes and attributes that inform citizenship, through his or her sense of personal connectedness to various communities.
Kindergarten Program, pg. 47
Self-Regulation and Well-Being
This frame encompasses children's learning and development with respect to:
- their own thinking and feelings, and their recognition of and respect for differences in the thinking and feelings of others;
- regulating their emotions, adapting to distractions, and assessing consequences of actions in a way that enables them to engage in learning;
- their physical and mental health and wellness;
- the interrelatedness of children's self-awareness, sense of self, and ability to self-regulate;
- the role of the learning environment in helping children to be calm, focused, and alert so they are better able to learn.
What children learn in connection to this frame allow them to focus, to learn, to respect themselves and others, and to promote well-being in themselves and others.
Kindergarten Program, pg. 54
Social skills:
Arabic Language: اللغة العربية
Lesson Title: The letters ج fatha, kasra, dama)
The students worked on the Arabic letters in the classroom.
How to write the letter ج at the beginning, middle and End.
Reading: Read the letter ج with short vowels (fatha, kasra, and dama)
Writing: Practice writing the letter ج in the Arabic workbook.
Orally: Ask the kids what is your name? and how are you? in Arabic. Know the different between asking a boy or a girl ( feminine and masculine ) كيف حالك ؟ ما اسمـك؟ The kids have to answer in complete sentences.
how many days in a week? كم يوم في الاسبوع ؟
What day is today? ما اليوم ؟
Math: We took number Five. In addition, we are still working in the patterning unit. We will spend some time in this unit inshaAllah. We will be identifying simple patterns followed by more complicated ones. Students will also get a chance to create their own patterns through rhythms, and beats!
Islamic Studies:
We finished learning about the five pillars of Islam and we coloured our five pillars of Islam booklets. We integrated this topic with art and we made beautiful pieces of art . Please check out our bulletin boards.
Stars of the Week:
The stars of the week will be selected every Friday insha'Allah based on overall behavior throughout the week, homework completion, participation, and acts of kindness.
Jazakum Allahu khairan for your cooperation and support!
Jazakum Allahu khairan for your cooperation and support!
SK2 Early Arabic Language Immersion Program Team (EALIP)