As-salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuhu
Dear Parents,
Here are some updates from our class:
Language Arts

Students progress will be assessed on the skill checklist bellow:
- Can read and write the sixth group of sounds (Y,X,ch,sh, th,th)
- Can read consonant blends(for example cr,sl, sm, dr)
- Can write the capital letters.
- Can begin to choose between oa, o-e, and ow in spelling
words and between ee, and ea.
Also, we have posted new sight words
on our classroom door. Please continue practicing sight words when you drop
your child off to class.
Also, every Wednesday, students will take their book bags home for
reading program and bring it back every Wednesday to get a new book, InshaAllah.
Writing: We integrated science into
language and wrote a journal prompt “I love my sense of ______.” Then, they
colored a picture and labeled the five senses.
Literacy Tips:
- Read for 20 minutes with your child everyday.
- Practice finding words with long vowels (ai, ay, oa, ie, ee, ea ) with your child while reading at home.
- Go to and to enhance your child’s reading skills.
doing a 2D shape activity on sorting, we started to learn about 3D solids. We
began our mini-unit by learning the names of 3D shapes with the 3D shape poem.
As we know, hands on exploration is essential in order for students to develop
solid understanding of 3D shapes. So, we played and explored 3D shapes a lot.
We also brainstormed examples of 3D shapes in real life and then did some
matching and sorting activities regarding 3D shapes.
On Friday,
we did a fun activity using four 3D shapes. The students had to figure out
which 3D shapes would roll, stack or slide. Afterwards, they filled out a
recording sheet.
Math tips:
- Use Popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, tooth picks, and a string of yarn to make and explore different shapes at home. Talk about what the shapes look like, how many sides and corners/vertices they have, and where we might see them in the real world.
- Play board games like Chutes & Ladders, Sorry!, Dominoes, etc. as they promote the development of counting skills, understandings of patterns, and numeral recognition.
We discussed our five senses with an Islamic
point of view. We discussed that our five senses are the blessings of Allah
(SWT). We should be very thankful of Allah (SWT). Sk2 did a wonderful job
brainstorming different examples of people who don’t have one of these five
senses and how they survived without it. Tr. Nancy also read a wonderful book "Allah Game me Two Eyes to See...." in our library time.
Islamic Studies
We reviewed the steps of prayer and started practicing the Salah in the class.
We made shape collages with cut out
shapes. Sk2 made very creative art work, Masha-Allah.
Circle like a pancake
As we are seeing shapes everywhere
around us, Sk2 had a blast when they ate circular pancakes with heart shaped
strawberries and maple syrup. Yum!
Student of the month
theme for the month of March was “Independent
work and Collaboration.”
acknowledged many students for their independent work habits and collaborative attitude
in class. Congratulations to all of you for being the “Students of the month”
for the month of March, Mash-Allah.
theme for the month of April will be “Home
work completion and Class Participation.”