As-salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuhu
Dear Parents,
Here are some updates from our class:
Language Arts:
Phonics: In phonics, we learned how
to sound out the consonant digraph, “th.”
Also, to reinforce how to
pronounce the “th” sound correctly,
we made a cute thinking thumb craft. Here is the link of the “th” sound for further practice at home:

Reading : We have been doing shared
reading for the past month, Alhumdulilah. Every day we pick a special helper
who helps the teacher during circle time routines. Afterwards, we read
information about him/her written by the teacher. Then, the special helper chooses
students to come up and circle/write sight words that are in the morning message.
Sk2 are doing wonderful job during shared reading and writing.

Writing: We did a craft activity to
practice writing down words that begin with or have the three consonant
digraphs “ch,” “sh,” or
“th” in them.
Literacy Tips:
- Read for 20 minutes with your child everyday.
- Play I spy games using the ch and sh and th consonant blends. For example, “I spy with my little eye something that starts with the ch sound.”
- Go to and to enhance your child’s reading skills.
This week,
we have finished our unit on 3D shapes by doing some review activities through
worksheets and hands on exploration, Alhumdulilah. We had a fun time sorting
out different 3-D shapes that we brought from our home and we also set up a
shape museum in the class. Here are some pictures:
Math tips:
- Look for 3-D shapes around your home. For example, marbles and oranges are examples of spheres and a tissue box is a rectangular prism. Sort and classify the shapes by size and colour. You can also make models of 3-D shapes with toothpicks and play dough.
- Play board games like Chutes & Ladders, Sorry!, Dominoes, etc. as they promote the development of counting skills, understandings of patterns, and numeral recognition.

In Science, we started our spring unit. In our first lesson, we brainstormed signs of spring as a class using a circle map and then talked about how we can describe spring using our five senses. SK2 did a great job participating and taking turns to write about spring using their five senses, Masha-Allah.
Islamic Studies:
We reviewed the steps of Salah and continued to
practice praying in class.
We made a “Consonant Digraph Garden ” by writing down words that has "ch", "sh" and "th" consonant blends on each flower petals.
Talent Show:
We went to watch the Abraar School talent show organized by the PST.
Two students, Laila and Saara, from Sk2 participated in the talent show by
singing the songs ”I am a little teapot and “The blue sky is blue like blue bubblegum.”
Thumbs up to their great performances, Masha-Allaah. We are very proud of
Jazakumullahu-khaira for your
co-operation and support!