Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuhu
Dear Parents,
Here are updates from our class.
Language Arts: In
Phonics, we have finished "Jolly Phonics book 2" by learning the
sounds of the letters "M" and "D," Alhamdo-lillah. We
learned how to sound out these letters, things that begin with these letters,
and how to trace the letters in correct formation. We also played Bingo to
practice sight words. Please go to to do some extra
practice at home. Also, you can play "I spy with my little eye"
something that starts with ---- and say the sound of a letter (for e.g;
ta..ta..ta..for letter T).

Science: In
Science, we practiced a fun song about solids, liquids, and gases with actions.
SK2 loves to sing-along together. We also made a mini booklet for the three
states of matter by cutting and pasting pictures in the correct category.
Visual Arts: No class due to "Professional Development
Day" on Friday.
Islamic Studies: We practiced the nasheed "The Five
Pillars Of Islam". We also read and discussed a book called "The
First Man" which is a story about Prophet Adam. The students really liked
the story and were very attentive throughout the read aloud, Masha-Allah.
Jazakumullahu-khaira for your co-operation and support!