Dear Parents,
We had a busy and productive week alhamdo-lillah. Here are some updates:
Language Arts: In Phonics, we covered the sounds of the letters "C", "K" and "E", Alhamdo-lillah. We also introduced sight words from Phonics Book 1, the sight words we are learning are: Allah, at, tap, pat, it, is, a, an, as, to, sat, sit, in, no, pin. We also played Bingo to learn these sight words.
Math: We started our unit on "Patterns." To start our unit, we covered the basic pattern ``AB,AB,AB...``. We did lots of fun filled learning activities with patterns (Worksheets, manipulatives, and educational centers).
Visual Arts: We completed our "Ten Apples on Top" craft and started our Dua craft.
Islamic Studies: We recite our daily dua's in circle time every day. We practiced the dua before entering and leaving the washroom and started our craft about the dua for entering & leaving the washroom. Also, we started learning about the five pillars of Islam. In our daily routines, we recite the dua for eating, going out, and entering & leaving the washroom. As the new Islamic Hijri month is starting, we already learned the song "Months in Islam" so we can learn and practice the names of Hijri months every month.
In addition, we have been playing different co-operative games in Gym class and we also learned proper hand washing in personal hygiene.
Jazakumullahu-khaira for your co-operation and support!
Important Reminders:
- As the weather is getting colder, please do remember to send the proper winter gears with your child every day.
- Please send back the Homework every Wednesday in your child's folder.