Friday 11 September 2015

Day 4

Assalamu alaikum!

The SK2 students are getting used to their morning routine, they come into the classroom and go straight to the sign-in table to sign in.  We had our morning centre time followed by Arabic with ustatha Salam. 

We read our morning message, and some students were able to read the message on their own masha'Allah!

We are practicing counting and patterning through our calendar, we are also learning the names of the months of the year, and the days of the week.

During Quraan class, teacher Ibtissam introduced a fun and exciting reward system that will keep the children motivated during Quraan class.

Since we don't nap on Fridays we had a brief resting time instead, we rested while watching Leap Frog's Word Factory.

On Fridays we have our small Friday halaqa, today we talked about the importance of saying assalamu alaikum, and the importance of replying to the salaam.  We all took part in a pretend wudu' through a fun interactive song, and then we proceeded in praying 2 raka' in our classroom.  Please make sure you send in a prayer rug and hijab for girls every Friday.

We ended our day with a French class with monsieur Said, he introduced himself to the students and tried to remember all their names from last year!

This year we will be sharing photos and behavioural reports through the app ClassDojo, please look in your child's backpack for instructions on how to access your personal account.

Have a great weekend,

Safiah Aghliw
SK2 Teacher

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