Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Arabic Update
S.K. Arabic Update
- introduced to new alphabet: jeem, ha, kha, and dal;
- read these new letters with al-fatha, al-dama, and al kasra;
- learned vocabulary starting with each new letter; and
- engaged in fun exercises to practice this material.
Students are now capable of
- recognizing the letters from alif to dal;
- reading each letter with al-fatha,al-doma, and al-kasra;
- writing these letters; and
- recognize words that start with each letter too!
In Arabic,we are proud of our students; enjoy your holidays and happy new year.
Friday, 12 December 2014
Quraan Competition
Abraar 6th Annual Quran Competition
Assalaamu Alaykum
Dear Parents/Guardians
· It is with great pleasure to inform you of our 6th annual Quran Competition. The first round will be held inFebruary 2015 Inshallah. (The final round will be first week of April 2015).
· The Competition is optional and is open to all Abraar students. It will be divided into the following Grade- Surahgroups:
Al Fateha, Annass, Al Falaq,and Al Ikhlas. (4Suras)
Al Fateha, Annass, Al Falaq, Al Ikhlas, Al Masad, Annasr, Al Kawther, Al Asr, Al Feel and Quraish. (10 Suras)
Al Asr, Al Feel, Quraish, Al Kaferoon, Al Maoon, Al Homaza, Attakathor, Al Qareah, Al Adiat and Al Qadr. (10 Suras)
Al Zalzala, Atteen, Al Qadr, Al Alaq, Ashareh, Adduha, Allail, Ashams, Al Balad and Al Fajr. (10 Suras)
Al Gashia, Al Alla, Al Bayyana, Attariq, Al Borooj,AlInshiqaaq , and Al Mutafifeen . (7Suras)
Al Mutafifeen, Al Infitar, Atakweer, Abasa, Annaziaat, Annaba Al Mursalat, and Al Insan. (8 Suras)
Al Insan, Al Qiama, Al Mudather, Al Mozzamel , Al Jinn and Nooh (6 Suras)
Al Jinn, Nooh, Al Maarej, Al Haaqa Al Qalam and Al Mulk . (6 Suras)
Al Qalam, Al Mulk, Attahreem, Attalaq, Al Monafiqoon and Attagabon. (6 Suras)
Al Hasher, Al Momtahena, Assaf, Al Jumoaah, Al Monafiqoon and Al Tagaboon. (6 Suras)
Surat Almujadalah and Surat Yaseen.
- Registration: All entries must be registered with your Quran teacher in January. This email only to inform you with the competition requirement so you can practice during the winter break.
- Judging Criteria: Students will be judged based on memorization, rules of recitation (Tajweed), voice quality, and voice clarity.
- Prizes: First and Second places in each age group will receive valuable prizes Inshallah.
- More details and information will follow and for any questions please contact Tr. Hadia on Abraar’s phone or
Thursday, 11 December 2014
Updates & Coming Up
Assalamu alaikum!
Our SK's are now experts at solids, liquids, and gases masha'Allah. To celebrate our accomplishment we will be turning a liquid into a solid by making strawberry jelly inside the classroom tomorrow insha'Allah. We are now talking about the properties of things that are living, and non-living.
In language we have learned the following letters and sounds so far: s, a, t, i, p, n, ck, e, d, h, r, m, g, and o. Alhamdulillah we are learning to sound out words, and to read our morning message with very little help from the teacher.
During Show & Tell the students are learning to present with confidence and ease masha'Allah. They are also asking and answering some very interesting questions from their peers as part of their presentation. Keep up the amazing work masha'Allah.
In math we will be starting our geometry unit after the break insha'Allah. Right now we are working on odd/even, keeping count using tally marks, and recognizing what number comes before a number, and what number comes after. (i.e. the number 4, what comes before it? 3 what comes after it? 5) You can practice this skill with your child at home insha'Allah.
In Islamic Studies we have memorized our 4 monthly duaas mashallah! We are also talking about the character trait of "patience", and how we can display patience in the classroom, and at home.
In art class we have been exploring different materials such as paint chips, wool, markers, and paint. Insha'Allah we will be completing an art project with our grade 4 reading buddies today!
In gym class the students took part in a very energetic yoga class in the classroom, masha'Allah! It was very nice to see the students following along so intently.
Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your constant support and work with your children.
Safiah Aghliw
SK2 Teacher
Abraar School
Our SK's are now experts at solids, liquids, and gases masha'Allah. To celebrate our accomplishment we will be turning a liquid into a solid by making strawberry jelly inside the classroom tomorrow insha'Allah. We are now talking about the properties of things that are living, and non-living.
In language we have learned the following letters and sounds so far: s, a, t, i, p, n, ck, e, d, h, r, m, g, and o. Alhamdulillah we are learning to sound out words, and to read our morning message with very little help from the teacher.
During Show & Tell the students are learning to present with confidence and ease masha'Allah. They are also asking and answering some very interesting questions from their peers as part of their presentation. Keep up the amazing work masha'Allah.
In math we will be starting our geometry unit after the break insha'Allah. Right now we are working on odd/even, keeping count using tally marks, and recognizing what number comes before a number, and what number comes after. (i.e. the number 4, what comes before it? 3 what comes after it? 5) You can practice this skill with your child at home insha'Allah.
In Islamic Studies we have memorized our 4 monthly duaas mashallah! We are also talking about the character trait of "patience", and how we can display patience in the classroom, and at home.
In art class we have been exploring different materials such as paint chips, wool, markers, and paint. Insha'Allah we will be completing an art project with our grade 4 reading buddies today!
In gym class the students took part in a very energetic yoga class in the classroom, masha'Allah! It was very nice to see the students following along so intently.
Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your constant support and work with your children.
Safiah Aghliw
SK2 Teacher
Abraar School
Monday, 8 December 2014
Updates and Coming Up
Assalamu alaikum!
Alhamdulillah we had an amazing Pyjama Day last Friday. The students and teachers really enjoyed coming in with their nice and cozy pyjamas, stuffed toys, and flash lights. We had the chance to design our very own PJ's, we also listened to spooky stories in our huge classroom tent! The kids really enjoyed Robert Munsch's new story Pyjama Day.

Last week we really worked hard on reading, and sounding out. We read our mini story "Red Hen", the SK's know all the sounds in the story, and should be working on sounding out the words. Please help them practice this at home insha'Allah.
In math we introduced the concept of odd-numbers, and even-numbers at a kindergarten level. We are still working on reading and writing numbers using numbers, tally marks, and words.
In science we explored what happens to water bottles when they are left in freezing cold Ottawa temperatures over night, thank you to those of you that sent in frozen water bottles :)
In Islamic Studies we are reinforcing our monthly character theme of Patience, we will be talking about our prophet Muhammad PBUH and how he exemplified patience.
Jazakum Allahu Khairan to all of you that sent in snacks for our snack bank.
Looking forward to a busy busy week insha'Allah.
Safiah Aghliw
SK2 Teacher
Abraar School
Alhamdulillah we had an amazing Pyjama Day last Friday. The students and teachers really enjoyed coming in with their nice and cozy pyjamas, stuffed toys, and flash lights. We had the chance to design our very own PJ's, we also listened to spooky stories in our huge classroom tent! The kids really enjoyed Robert Munsch's new story Pyjama Day.

Last week we really worked hard on reading, and sounding out. We read our mini story "Red Hen", the SK's know all the sounds in the story, and should be working on sounding out the words. Please help them practice this at home insha'Allah.
In math we introduced the concept of odd-numbers, and even-numbers at a kindergarten level. We are still working on reading and writing numbers using numbers, tally marks, and words.
In science we explored what happens to water bottles when they are left in freezing cold Ottawa temperatures over night, thank you to those of you that sent in frozen water bottles :)
In Islamic Studies we are reinforcing our monthly character theme of Patience, we will be talking about our prophet Muhammad PBUH and how he exemplified patience.
Jazakum Allahu Khairan to all of you that sent in snacks for our snack bank.
Looking forward to a busy busy week insha'Allah.
Safiah Aghliw
SK2 Teacher
Abraar School
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Busy busy SK2s
Assalamu alaikum!
In language today we worked on our journals and wrote about our favourite liquids! We are also focusing on beginning sounds and ending sounds of words, this will help the students sound out words once they are ready to start writing independently insha'Allah.
In math we are working on number words, and using tally marks to keep count. We also counted by 2's all the way to 60 today!
Yesterday we had the chance to visit our school's very own science fair masha'Allah. The children got to learn about many different animals from the grade 4, and 6 students.
This morning the children had lots of fun while learning, they were involved in fun learning centres that involved counting, rolling dice, and matching numbers to number words.
It was lots of fun seeing all the striped objects students brought in. Jazakum Allahu khairan for your participation and support.
Safiah Aghliw
SK2 Teacher
Abraar School
In language today we worked on our journals and wrote about our favourite liquids! We are also focusing on beginning sounds and ending sounds of words, this will help the students sound out words once they are ready to start writing independently insha'Allah.
In math we are working on number words, and using tally marks to keep count. We also counted by 2's all the way to 60 today!
Yesterday we had the chance to visit our school's very own science fair masha'Allah. The children got to learn about many different animals from the grade 4, and 6 students.
This morning the children had lots of fun while learning, they were involved in fun learning centres that involved counting, rolling dice, and matching numbers to number words.
It was lots of fun seeing all the striped objects students brought in. Jazakum Allahu khairan for your participation and support.
Safiah Aghliw
SK2 Teacher
Abraar School
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Monday Science
Assalamu alaikum!
Yesterday we had an amazing fun filled day.

We did some science experiments involving changing a liquid to a solid, and a solid to a liquid. We also poured blue water into different containers to see how the shape of the liquid changes according to the container it is in. The students brainstormed ways of melting ice, some ideas were: "put it under a warm blanket", "put it in the microwave", "light fire under it", and "crush it!".
In Islamic Studies we review the story of prophet Adam (AS), we also introduced our new du'aa for the month of December.
In Language we worked on rhyming words, and beginning sounds in our Phonics Book 2.
Looking forward to an amazing week insha'Allah!
Safiah Aghliw
SK2 Teacher
Abraar School
Book Fair & Pajama Day
Dear Parents,
2-Friday December 5th, is Kindergarten Pajama Day at school. Please send your child to school on Friday in pajamas! We have planned some nice pajama day activities for the children. Here are a few things your child can bring for the pajama day fun (Please label all items with your child's name):
Assalamu Alaikum!
1- Tomorrow there will be a book fair at Abraar School. If you would like your child to purchase some books or other book fair items please send in $5-$20 in a small ziploc bag with them so that they may purchase items. Part of the profits will go to the Abraar School library insha'Allah.
2-Friday December 5th, is Kindergarten Pajama Day at school. Please send your child to school on Friday in pajamas! We have planned some nice pajama day activities for the children. Here are a few things your child can bring for the pajama day fun (Please label all items with your child's name):
-a stuffed toy
-comfortable slippers
-comfortable slippers
Safiah Aghliw
SK2 Teacher
Abraar School
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