Assalamu Alaikum everyone!
The SK2 class is working really hard on making good choices throughout the day. We are teaching their children that all their actions, and words are their choice. Therefor they need to make many good choices, and not so many poor choices! The children each have a "Good Choices" card that has the numbers 1-20 on it. Once they reach 20, they get to choose a special reward from our reward board. Rewards include: ride on teacher's chair, have lunch at teacher's desk, use classroom tablet, computer time, or have lunch in another class. Masha'Allah the students are working really hard and trying their best to make good choices.
In language we have taken the letters and sounds that the following letters make: Ss, Aa, Tt, Ii, and Pp. We are teaching the children the correct formation of the letter in capital form as well as lower case form.
Our mini-theme for these two weeks is: bears. Students are learning all about bears, we read the story "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?". We had a fabulous writing class, where the students got to hunt for 10 words, and they were able to copy these words down on their "hunting sheet". I was really proud to see their enthusiasm and hard work masha'Allah!
In mathematics we are working on ABAB, AABB, and ABC patterns. We are using patterning blocks to experiment with patterns. We are also working on counting by 1's, 2's, 5's and 10's.
In science we are learning about primary colours (red, yellow, blue), and secondary colours.
In Islamic studies we learned about the hijra and we reenacted the migration of the prophet from Mecca to Madina by walking around the school gym 28 times each! At times we were taking big steps (walking on mountains), and other times we were bopping up and down as if we were on camels. We are working on memorizing the nasheed "tala'al badru alaina", and our du'aa for the month of October. "Allahumma allif baina qulubina, wa asleh thata bainina wa ahdina subulassalam".
In art the students had a chance to be creative and produce their very own unique creation. We provided them with different art, and building materials and the students designed and created their very own masterpieces!
Proud teacher of amazing students,
Safiah Aghliw
SK2 Teacher
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Mix & Match Day
Assalamu alaikum everyone,
this coming Thursday is our second spirit day of the year! Below are the details:
this coming Thursday is our second spirit day of the year! Below are the details:
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Assalamu Alaikum everyone,
Alhamdulillah we are having a very productive week so far.
Thank you to all of you for reminding your children to bring in the requested items on their Show & Tell day. The SK2 students are getting better and better at projecting their voices, describing their object, and looking at their audience. This week's theme was "something blue", we got items such as cars, decorative items, a plate, a stuffed elephant, a clock, and different kinds of dolls. It is interesting to see what the children have selected :)
We are learning how to count to 30. We are also working on our patterning, and sorting. The students had the chance to count to 30 using a voice patter of deep voice-squeaky voice- deep voice- squeaky voice. Speaking of the number 30! We just finished our 30th day of school mashallah. We are counting down to 100 days of school. Once we get to 100 we celebrate with a huge 100 day themed party :)
We played the game of "pizza", and "ant tag". Ask your child about these two games.
We are learning the following sight words (a-am-the-I-see). We are reading our morning message, and other classroom literature that corresponds with our weekly theme. Today we took the letter Tt, and we brainstormed 10 words that begin with the letter Tt. Ask your child about the sound and the action for the following letters: Ss, Aa, and Tt.
On Monday we played a really good game of "I Spy", we also played a visual memory game. This was done to reinforce some of the things we can use our eyes for (sense of sight). We also use our calendar time to discuss the temperature (your child may be asking to see the temperature on your phone or hearing it on the radio). We are teaching the children that we need to get dressed according to the weather report. If it is 0 degrees, then we will need a hat and mittens, if it is 7 degrees we need a light jacket....etc.
We are learning about the story of the migration of the prophet PBUH (hijra) from Mecca to Madina 1435 years ago. The students then got a chance to recreate a scene from the hijra using construction paper, plastic straws, and camel cutouts. We are learning the words to the song "tala'al badru alaina". This is the song that was sung to the prophet PBUH when he arrived to Madina.
1- Please make sure your child is dressed properly for Ottawa weather. We will always go outside unless it is raining or below -20 degrees Celsius.
2- Our snack bank is running dangerously low! We are accepting healthy no-nut snacks for our snack bank to help us replenish our bank.
3- Please send in empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls (the inside cardboard tube).
4- Homework is due on Wednesday, and library books are due on Tuesday. *Please make sure your child returns their library book in the designated library book bag. This bag is designed to help protect the book and return it to the right person if lost.
5- Quraan class has changed from 4 periods 20 minutes each to 2 periods of 40 minutes each. This has been done to help ensure that the children are getting the most out of each quraan period.
Jazakum Allahu khairan,
Safiah Aghliw
SK2 Teacher
Alhamdulillah we are having a very productive week so far.
Thank you to all of you for reminding your children to bring in the requested items on their Show & Tell day. The SK2 students are getting better and better at projecting their voices, describing their object, and looking at their audience. This week's theme was "something blue", we got items such as cars, decorative items, a plate, a stuffed elephant, a clock, and different kinds of dolls. It is interesting to see what the children have selected :)
We are learning how to count to 30. We are also working on our patterning, and sorting. The students had the chance to count to 30 using a voice patter of deep voice-squeaky voice- deep voice- squeaky voice. Speaking of the number 30! We just finished our 30th day of school mashallah. We are counting down to 100 days of school. Once we get to 100 we celebrate with a huge 100 day themed party :)
We played the game of "pizza", and "ant tag". Ask your child about these two games.
We are learning the following sight words (a-am-the-I-see). We are reading our morning message, and other classroom literature that corresponds with our weekly theme. Today we took the letter Tt, and we brainstormed 10 words that begin with the letter Tt. Ask your child about the sound and the action for the following letters: Ss, Aa, and Tt.
On Monday we played a really good game of "I Spy", we also played a visual memory game. This was done to reinforce some of the things we can use our eyes for (sense of sight). We also use our calendar time to discuss the temperature (your child may be asking to see the temperature on your phone or hearing it on the radio). We are teaching the children that we need to get dressed according to the weather report. If it is 0 degrees, then we will need a hat and mittens, if it is 7 degrees we need a light jacket....etc.
We are learning about the story of the migration of the prophet PBUH (hijra) from Mecca to Madina 1435 years ago. The students then got a chance to recreate a scene from the hijra using construction paper, plastic straws, and camel cutouts. We are learning the words to the song "tala'al badru alaina". This is the song that was sung to the prophet PBUH when he arrived to Madina.
1- Please make sure your child is dressed properly for Ottawa weather. We will always go outside unless it is raining or below -20 degrees Celsius.
2- Our snack bank is running dangerously low! We are accepting healthy no-nut snacks for our snack bank to help us replenish our bank.
3- Please send in empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls (the inside cardboard tube).
4- Homework is due on Wednesday, and library books are due on Tuesday. *Please make sure your child returns their library book in the designated library book bag. This bag is designed to help protect the book and return it to the right person if lost.
5- Quraan class has changed from 4 periods 20 minutes each to 2 periods of 40 minutes each. This has been done to help ensure that the children are getting the most out of each quraan period.
Jazakum Allahu khairan,
Safiah Aghliw
SK2 Teacher
Sunday, 19 October 2014
SK2 Classroom Updates
Assalamu Alaikum,
We had a very busy week last week alhamdulillah!
Some of our highlights included:
MATH: Patterning ABAB patters using different common features found in the children in the classroom. example) wears glasses, doesn't wear glasses, wears glasses, doesn't wear glasses. or girl, boy, girl, boy, girl, boy. etc.
LANGUAGE: We used our language skills to help learn new sight words - the, see, and, is, and a. We did some shared reading of the following poem:
I see a red apple.
I see a green apple.
I see a yellow apple.
I see an apple with different colours.
Thank you Allah for giving us apples.
We also started our Jolly Phonics curriculum, starting with the letters Ss, and Aa. Students learned the sound and action that goes with each letter. They also learned the correct formation of the letter.
SCIENCE: We completed a KWL (know, want to know, learned) chart on apples. Students learned that apples grow on trees (not bushes, or plants), they contain seeds, and that they are a fruit. They also learned that there are many different kinds of apples. We also learned what goes into apple sauce and worked together to cook up some amazing cinnamon apple sauce. Jazakum Allahu khairan for sending in apples with your children :).
ART: We created beautiful Ss-Snake puppets, as well as pattern apple prints. Alhamdulillah the children had lots of fun dipping apples into paint to produce beautiful apple patterns.
ISLAMIC STUDIES: We watched a short video on the 5 pillars of Islam. We will be working on this theme for the next few weeks insha'Allah. We will also be talking about the hijra (migration) of our beloved prophet (PBUH), and how he traveled from Mecca to Medina. The students enjoyed taking part in our weekly Friday prayer and they are improving daily masha'Allah.
GYM: We practiced throwing and catching a ball, and two different types of throws. Every class the student take part in warm-up exercises, followed by one or two games, then a warm-up.
WRITING: The students are now writing in their journals, mashallah I already see so much improvement in the students' penmanship. The students also went on a Word Hunt, this is an activity where the children walk around the classroom and copy any word they see.
READING: We have started our Reading Buddies program with the grade 4A class. This program will take place every second week insha'Allah. The children really enjoyed being read to by their older peers.
We had a very busy week last week alhamdulillah!
Some of our highlights included:
MATH: Patterning ABAB patters using different common features found in the children in the classroom. example) wears glasses, doesn't wear glasses, wears glasses, doesn't wear glasses. or girl, boy, girl, boy, girl, boy. etc.
LANGUAGE: We used our language skills to help learn new sight words - the, see, and, is, and a. We did some shared reading of the following poem:
I see a red apple.
I see a green apple.
I see a yellow apple.
I see an apple with different colours.
Thank you Allah for giving us apples.
We also started our Jolly Phonics curriculum, starting with the letters Ss, and Aa. Students learned the sound and action that goes with each letter. They also learned the correct formation of the letter.
SCIENCE: We completed a KWL (know, want to know, learned) chart on apples. Students learned that apples grow on trees (not bushes, or plants), they contain seeds, and that they are a fruit. They also learned that there are many different kinds of apples. We also learned what goes into apple sauce and worked together to cook up some amazing cinnamon apple sauce. Jazakum Allahu khairan for sending in apples with your children :).
ART: We created beautiful Ss-Snake puppets, as well as pattern apple prints. Alhamdulillah the children had lots of fun dipping apples into paint to produce beautiful apple patterns.
ISLAMIC STUDIES: We watched a short video on the 5 pillars of Islam. We will be working on this theme for the next few weeks insha'Allah. We will also be talking about the hijra (migration) of our beloved prophet (PBUH), and how he traveled from Mecca to Medina. The students enjoyed taking part in our weekly Friday prayer and they are improving daily masha'Allah.
GYM: We practiced throwing and catching a ball, and two different types of throws. Every class the student take part in warm-up exercises, followed by one or two games, then a warm-up.
WRITING: The students are now writing in their journals, mashallah I already see so much improvement in the students' penmanship. The students also went on a Word Hunt, this is an activity where the children walk around the classroom and copy any word they see.
READING: We have started our Reading Buddies program with the grade 4A class. This program will take place every second week insha'Allah. The children really enjoyed being read to by their older peers.
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Arabic Update
Last month we studied the letters ( أ – ب - ت ) ,the name of harakat (fatah, kasra , and dama) and how to read the letters studied with them; this has been accomplished though a number of activities, such as songs, games, stories and competitions. The children have found these activities to be exciting and fun.
Quraan Update
Masha'Allah SK students are memorizing and applying Tajweed rules on Surat: Al Fateehaa, Annaass, Alfalaq, and Alekhlasss. They learned " Nasheed Ahkaam Al-Tajweed" with the sign for each rule, so they can easily remember the Tajweed rules applied.
Each student is motivated to memorize Quran and apply Tajweed rules and pronounce the Arabic letters properly, they are collecting " star in the Jar" for each good work the perform.
Jazakum Allahu khairan for your help at home, please keep on encouraging your children to memorize Quran.
T. Hoda Harb ( Quran Class)
Monday, 13 October 2014
Thank you :)
Assalamu alaikum,
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for your wonderful contributions to our Eid-ul-Adha party. Alhamdulillah the children had so much fun serving their friends, watching an animated movie, and playing musical chairs!
Please do not forget this week's show & tell theme is favourite shirt. Tuesday group presents tomorrow, and Wednesday group presents on Wednesday.
Please remember to send in hijab/prayer rug for your child to wear on Friday during our practice prayer. This practice prayer time is meant to help prepare the children for when they enter first grade and start praying thuher prayer with the rest of the school insha'Allah.
I'd like to thank our wonderful volunteers for our Cosmic Adventures field trip, you helped make this trip extra special. Jazakum Allahu Khairan. Please try to participate as a volunteer in at least one of our field trips, this will ensure that we have the right number of volunteers on future field trips.
This week we will be starting our Jolly Phonics curriculum, ending our 5-senses science theme, starting to talk about the 5-pillars of Islam, and in math we will dive into our patterning unit.
Thank you, and I hope everyone has a great week insha'Allah.
Safiah Aghliw
SK2 Teacher
Abraar School
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for your wonderful contributions to our Eid-ul-Adha party. Alhamdulillah the children had so much fun serving their friends, watching an animated movie, and playing musical chairs!
Please do not forget this week's show & tell theme is favourite shirt. Tuesday group presents tomorrow, and Wednesday group presents on Wednesday.
Please remember to send in hijab/prayer rug for your child to wear on Friday during our practice prayer. This practice prayer time is meant to help prepare the children for when they enter first grade and start praying thuher prayer with the rest of the school insha'Allah.
I'd like to thank our wonderful volunteers for our Cosmic Adventures field trip, you helped make this trip extra special. Jazakum Allahu Khairan. Please try to participate as a volunteer in at least one of our field trips, this will ensure that we have the right number of volunteers on future field trips.
This week we will be starting our Jolly Phonics curriculum, ending our 5-senses science theme, starting to talk about the 5-pillars of Islam, and in math we will dive into our patterning unit.
Thank you, and I hope everyone has a great week insha'Allah.
Safiah Aghliw
SK2 Teacher
Abraar School
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